
Coddiwomple — Isn’t that a great word??? What on earth does it mean? You may well ask. Up until a week ago, I had never even heard of it myself. Then a Facebook meme triggered a burst of creativity for something I’d been struggling to define, and the next thing you know, this page was born. (Admittedly, this only happened with much idea-bouncing off of those kind enough to call me friend, and who hit Reply for the second or third or eighteenth time my name appeared in their inboxes.)

Coddiwomple is a verb, meaning “to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination.” This absolutely captures the essence of this blog. Over the last three years, I’ve gone from mild-mannered English teacher to world traveler. The things I have seen and experienced have changed who I am and how I view the world. I’ll be sharing some of those little moments that ended up not being so very little after all. Some of the incidents were funny, and some were poignant, while others were prime examples of “country comes to town” ignorance. All managed, in some way, to teach me and to grow me.

Come, pull up a chair on the front porch. Let us gaze over the cornfield and watch the sunset as we explore the grand adventure of learning more about who we are, simply by looking at the incredible world beyond ourselves.

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